Saturday, July 02, 2005


Today is an historical day. It's not just about Live8 being on the telly, it's about us, and what we can do to make a difference. If you read this post on my blog then click on the white band and see what you can do to make a difference. This is our generation's World War. But it isn't fought with guns and bombs, aircraft and rifles. It's fought with ideas and ideals, politics and awareness.
It's also not about individuals. It's not even about individual countries. It's about an entire continent. Africa, as a continent, has gone backwards politically, economically and technologically. And this has been caused by the political decisions of so-called 'civilised' nations. The EEC and it's Common Agricultural Policy that pays farmers to grow nothing, and stores mountains of grain and other foodstuffs until they rot to keep prices artificially high whilst putting high taxes and restrictions on produce from African nations needs to be torn up. ALL Western nations have an obligation to end this sickening treatment.
And to those who say they need to clean up their act and stop the corruption in those countries that need help most, I say that the whole reason that evil dictators such as Robert Mugabe thrive is because they promise their people prosperity. If you didn't know where your next meal was coming from and the only person who could solve the problem told you they were going to sort it, I'm sure you'd want to believe them- I know I would. But we are talking about poorly-educated people who are in the main politically naive. Without help they will die.
Even if you do a little bit to help, register your name, whatever. Even if you only do it to make yourself feel better about yourself it will still make a difference. We need to make the leaders of the G8 nations listen, or the downward spiral will continue. The people who make decisions that affect BILLIONS of others need to know that the people in the streets, in the parks, or sat in front of their TV's today won't stand for the genocidal policies based on greed anymore. After all, there's only one Human Race. We should ALL be a part of it, and be proud to be a part of it. So please, just spare a few minutes to do your bit and register at We can all do a bit to make poverty history. We should do our bit to make history today.


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